Monthly Archives: February 2019

Our winter has been influenced by an official El Nino event

An El Niño Advisory has been issued into the spring season. Although much weaker than the record  event 3 years ago,  the most recent ONI number for the months of November, December and January has come in at  “0.8”, this means conditions for El Niño have been met . Three consecutive three month averages have exceeded “0.5”.  So we are officially experiencing an El Nino influenced winter.  The Climate Prediction Center website  provides an abundance of information. Below are the old home site of the Climate Center followed by the specific El Nino page link.

You can also learn more in my  e-book El Niño:  The WILD side of the weather cycle…
What we know, what we don’t, and WHY you should care!

The book was written for the record 2015-2016 event, but much of the material is also relevant for this year’s much weaker event.

We will review some of this winter’s extreme weather in the coming days. We have seen record February snow, including a surprise accumulation in Las Vegas, Nevada. We saw historic rain and flooding across parts of the south and in California. We have also experienced a record cold polar vortex.

If you like the blog you will love the book.

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